GrooveOn1 is a super-fun dance show just for kids that turns your living room into a hopping dance floor! Whether you want to learn cool dance moves or just like watching awesome dancers do their thing, this show is for you. We zoom through all sorts of dances from different times and places, making each episode a toe-tapping, hand-clapping good time! Want to shake and shimmy? We've got basic steps that are easy-peasy and so much fun, they'll have you bouncing around in no time. Some episodes are like a Funky Dance Party, where you'll learn groovy old-school moves that'll make you feel like a dancing superstar! And get ready for episodes that are like a cheerleading routine with a sprinkle of pop music magic.

Nominated for a 2023 Rosie Award for Best Children’s Program or Series

Production Co: Kidoodle.TV
Producer: Neil LeGrandeur
Director: Douglas Cook
Cinematographer: Douglas Cook
Editors: Laura Gosselin & Sydney Stewart
Sound Design: Brad Belcher
Filmed at Beama Visuals: